target is to make 3SC financially stable and independent…Marketer.
Ayo Ademokoya
of the independent sport marketing company saddled with raising funds for 3SC
through various project(name withheld) said last time that they are working
round the clock for the company to meet their target of creating enough
alternative source of income for a brand like Shooting Stars.
with harohkah
in a telephone interview on Thursday night, we reliably gathered that all hands
are on deck to sensitize the public about the need to officially register with
the Fan Base recognize by the football club which would make them enjoy
benefits been packaged by the club for the true supporters of 3SC.

Today(Friday) another meeting would be held with the management to discuss further measures of generating funds for the club as well as fine tuning the one we already embarked upon “he said.
stars on Tuesday announced in a press conference that they are on a sponsorship
drive of generating alternative funds to augment the monthly allocation from
the government which they found inadequate through a project where at least 50 million
naira would be realized.
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