By Ayo Ademokoya
is the concluding part of the exclusive interview by www.harohkah.blogspot.com.ng with the Founder and CEO of Light
FM online radio and Ibadan based online radio station. Enjoy it as tune in to
speaking about how Light FM online radio started which I believed you have read
in the last edition of the exclusive interview with Pastor (Dr.) Paul Oluwatobi
Oyekanmi , I dabbled into other issues
like the kind of challenges faced by him being the founder of the fast growing
online radio…. Click www.harohkah.blogspot.com.ng to read full details of the
exclusive interview
From my experience as
an entrepreneur, I made sure I drilled hi m thoroughly to get facts from him and
I am glad to affirm that the Light FM radio has the type of executive in Pastor
Tobi who can steer the ship of the company to a glorious shore.
responded swiftly.
‘Can you imagine that
we spend as much as Twelve thousand naira fueling the generator? This is absurd for an establishment
that is not generating advert at all because the gestation period between the
acceptability and marketability of such an investment takes a little while
‘It’s frustrating that
business in this country has to survive on its own manpower without the basic amenity like constant power supply
needed 24 hour by a budding broadcast station’.
‘The second major
obstacle hindering our growth is funding. Light FM radio is a faith based
project and I must confess it is not easy raising funds here and there to keep
the project going. Do you know that as small as we are right now, we require at
least about 12,000 naira per day as running cost for our day to day activities?
‘So far the project has
gulped nothing less than Eight million naira in the last two years without
generation a percentage of whatever we have invested. But I thank God for he
his Jehovah
Jireh, the one who provides. He has sustained us so far with the help
of our well-wishers which I will not start, mentioning their names. These our
friends are based in Europe and America though some are here in Nigeria that
believes in the dream, and we appreciate them a lot.
‘Another problem that
is most discouraging is attitudinal .Though we have overcome it to a certain
level the attitude of people towards a new business or a budding idea. Here in
this part of the globe, a concept is not that easy to develop basically because
of the attitude of our people. One is bound to meet people confessing
negativity. Our Problem at first was attitudinal!
‘It is disheartening to hear insinuations from
close friends and allies that ‘It seems Pastor Tobi does not know what he is
doing?. I overheard them saying it several times that they don’t know why we
are wasting money on Elephant project like floating radio
station and wondered who will listen to us when we had over Seven terrestrial radio stations in Ibadan at
that time. Right now these has grown to about twenty radio stations alone in
Ibadan, not to talk about the entire Oyo state and its environs.
‘Assuming we are not
determined , we would have long jettison the idea, but we thank God today that
against all odds, despite stiff competition and limited funds, The
Light FM is marching on and the gate of hell cannot stand against it’!
‘Hallelujah!!!’ , I
soliloquised and looked straight into his eyes,
‘Pastor Tobi kind of guessed what I wanted to ask…
…Ummmm…Well the last
one is what you may not believe… he continued
‘And that is, I cuts in
Spiritual!! He said
‘As a spirit filled
man, we are faced with spiritual attacks as well.
‘Can you imagine the situation
where all of us, I mean the entire staff including my humble self, fell ill at
a go?’.
‘I mean at the same
time all of us became critically ill and none can even open the station!. That
may sound normal but that was absurd! After much prayer we discover it’s just
an attack!
‘Also, there was a
particular day we found a bat already dead inside the studio. This is a studio
that it’s difficult for air and sound to penetrate,
‘How come a bat, of all birds, flew inside the
studio and died right there?
This is another mystery!
Only God protected us.
‘We already know the
task ahead and we were well prepared too. Remember ‘we are not fighting against
flesh and blood but all the principalities and powers in high places’.
‘There are times we go
off air for no tangible reason. After contacting our engineers both home abroad
to diagnose whether we had technical hitches may it be software or hard ware , we
all would discover later was that nothing is wrong with any of our equipment.
These are strange occurrences that only prayers could solve and God has been
faithful so far
What are your staff strength? I asked
‘Right now we have about
16 people working directly and indirectly with us, about Eight out of the 16
are volunteers who are permanent with us, while the other eight are guests
artistes. We also have an engineer here in Nigeria and another software expert
based in South Africa.
One thing I must thank
God is that all of them are very dedicated. You may be amazed that what we give
them for now is just allowances, an impress that could just take care of their
transport and feeding too. What we can afford till date is just stipends to
keep us going. Though we make sure that we provide feeding while at work and they
all understand the vision and where God is leading us to’.
‘Anyway since we now
have so many options to listen to as far as radio stations are concerned in
this environment, there is this major question agitating my mind? I’d like you
to let our people know the kind of programmes people can listen to and enjoy on
Light FM online radio station? I asked
‘Well…. he sighed
‘I’m sure you want me
to say Evangelism ….
I smiled..
‘But … really , Light
FM is a secular station that preaches morals. Unlike most radio stations
who would do anything for commercial purposes. We are out to educate and
entertain our people not only here in Nigeria but also in the Diaspora.
‘Ye are the light of the world’ the
bible says, so whatever music we play, whatever programmes we package, has the
consciousness of morality embedded into it. We have good music too which you
can listen to.
‘For now, we are not
into news because of the sensitivity and volatility of the polity. We have to
be careful about the kind of news we are to disseminate at this point in time of
our nascent democracy, which is why we are strictly a programme oriented station.
Of course, we have sports programme too with capable hands here and there
handling our various programmes.
‘And ...what are these programmes… if I may ask?
Pastor Tobi readjusted
himself on his seat opposite mine, I used that opportunity to also readjust by
changing from the right hand to the left which that I had been using to record for over an hour the interview started and I’m
getting weary myself.
‘My Vision time’
after clearing his throat…
This is one program I designed some time ago which
deals with prophecies and future occurrences. Part of it also deals with interpretation
of dreams and so on .Remember this was on Yinka Ayefele’s online radio before
it became Fresh FM and the programme is still waxing stronger on Light FM
online radio.
‘Ni faaji Lawa
is a Yoruba musical program and we also have ‘So kutu wowo’ while ‘Aye
Awa Obinrin and Olowo Sibi’ are specifically designed r the women.
‘These and many more
are some of our programmes we have designed for the enjoyment of our listeners
worldwide, they are interactive as listeners could call in on various platforms
be it twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc we are still researching on more programme
which are in the pipeline. That is our joker which I will not reveal for now.’
I tried to sum up the
troubles of this young man and figure out what benefit he is deriving for going
through all these trouble. I wonder if there is anything makes him happy... Since
this is yet to be a money spinning project.
‘Yes, financially the
business is not lucrative but we believe it will very soon. My
joy really lies
in seeing that people are listening to us. I feel on top of the world whenever
I get feedback from our listeners all over the world.
‘Right now we have
listeners in the United Kingdom, Germany, Dublin and even in the United States
of America. I also get feedback from African countries like the South Africa,
Guinea, and Zimbabwe.
I then asked him what
makes him sad.
‘I think I said it earlier
that attitudes of some of our people could be discouraging. But I thank God for
the kind of staff that I have, they are so encouraging and gives me the reason
me to keep go on. Sometimes they use their personal means to keep the station
running and that always ginger me up whenever I feel discouraged’ he reacted spontaneously.
‘Nope..’ he smiled, ‘
my expectation is that God should grant us the licence to go terrestrial. As
you can see, this is not our permanent site, we hope one day, we will move to
our own building, we also need transmitters and other equipment
‘That cost a hell of
money…’ I cut in
‘..Yea, at least we need
about Eighty million naira to achieve all these and that is why I said, only God can
do it and we believe he will do it.
Before I round up this
interview, I would like you to advise people out there and to thank all those
who has been supportive of your vision
‘First of all I would
like to thank our mother, Reverend Dr Alice Olufunmilayo Oyekanmi for her
support in various ramifications. I will also want to use this opportunity to
thank all those who have been supporting us financially, only God will reward
them. I need to thank them for believing in us and I assure you all that we
will not let you down.
To Nigerians in
general, money is not everything, it is disheartening these days to see that
the fourth quarter of government, that is the media is heavily compromised. We
need to stay focus on the ethics of the job. We are the watchdog of the society
and we need to inform and educate our people, serve them the truth and nothing
but the truth so that we can place this place, our world a better place to live
As I left his office
that fateful Tuesday morning of 23rd of January, 2018, I knew very soon, if the
lord tarries Light FM is the next big thing to rule our world!!!
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